ENGAGE » How does the ENGAGE Program impact student learning?

How does the ENGAGE Program impact student learning?

students with University of Washington representative at college signing day 2018.

East Valley High School students with a representative from the

University of Washington at College Signing Day 2018.


Research shows that family and community engagement increases a student’s feeling of connectedness to their school. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), connected students believe their parents, teachers, school staff and other students in their school care about them and about how well they are learning.


These students are more likely to:

  • Get better grades
  • Have higher test scores
  • Stay in school longer
  • Attend school more regularly


Connected students are less likely to:

  • Engage in risky behaviors (drinking alcohol, having sexual intercourse, smoking)
  • Carry a weapon or become involved in violence
  • Have emotional distress or eating disorders
  • Consider or attempt suicide

For more research and information about fostering school connectedness visit www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth