Transportation » Bus Rider Rules

Bus Rider Rules


  1. Sit down in your seat
    1. Back to back
    2. Seat to seat
    3. Feet on the floor
  2. Keep aisle clear
  3. Talk quietly and be respectful
  4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
  5. Follow instructions when they are given
  6. The driver is always in charge

You must have a note signed by the office to ride to a stop different than your own.



If your student normally rides the bus, but you or an approved family member need to pick them up from school (instead of riding the bus home), please contact your school’s office by early afternoon to make pick-up arrangements.


Once students are on the bus, calls or texts to the student’s cell phone will not be accepted as a method of communication to the school to get them off the bus.  Due to time constraints and safety precautions, our drivers can’t verify incoming calls or texts on students’ phones. 


We realize that end-of-the-day emergency situations can happen. If there is an emergency situation where you need to get your child off the bus, please contact the office immediately and a staff member will notify the bus driver.   


We appreciate your cooperation in helping our drivers get all of our students home safely and on time. 


Thank you!




