Special Education » Special Education Services

Special Education Services

The East Valley School District offers a continuum of special education services in the school district. Please contact the school principal or the district special services office for specific information. A staff list and program information will be available shortly after school is in session.

The Special Education Services Department of East Valley School District offers a continuum of services to students ages birth to 21.  Placing students in the most appropriate, least restrictive environment is a goal when educating students with disabilities.  Students are provided specially designed instruction which addresses their unique needs and ensures student access to the general education curriculum.  These services are provided in a variety of settings from inclusive to self-contained classrooms.  In addition, students may receive services from a variety of other sources dependent on the individual student’s needs.  A full range of services are available for students who require assistance to benefit from special education.  Individual achievement with a focus on each student’s strengths and needs is the goal of East Valley’s special education programs.  




Our Special Education Developmental Preschool is offered to children ages 3-5 years old in the district and in the community.  This program is for children with developmental delays. 

RISE ACADEMY (Reaching Independence through Support and Education) Elementary (K-5):

The RISE Academy program consists of self-contained classrooms designed to meet the unique needs of elementary students with moderate to severe disabilities including students who are medically fragile.  Students are included in a variety of school activities and classrooms.  Days are filled with activities including academic, communication, self-care, independent living, and social skills.  


This program is designed for students in grades K-5 who exhibit behaviors that prohibit their success in the general education setting.  The goal of the program is to provide students with the skills necessary to re-enter the general education setting.


This program serves middle school students with significant behavioral/emotional concerns with a self-contained program.  The goal is to have students integrated into general education and resource setting as much as possible.  The program focuses on teaching appropriate social interactions and behavioral interventions.  


Resource rooms are designed to be just that; a resource for students qualified for special education and the teachers who serve them.  Resource rooms serve a wide range of students and aim to provide a wide continuum of services.  Students may have disabilities from severe to mild and may receive services in either a pull-out or in-class model.  Services are provided in reading math, written language/written expression, adaptive, social and behavioral skills.  These services are offered in models that best serve each individual student, giving each student as much access to the general education curriculum and classroom as possible.  While these services are designed and monitored by a certificated special education teacher, providers include para-professionals and classroom teachers. East Valley students needing hearing or vision support may access an array of services.  The district has a teacher of the visually impaired and an orientation and mobility specialist.  Support may be provided in district or through contracted out of district providers.

RISE ACADEMY (Reaching Independence through Support and Education) Secondary (6-12):

This program serves middle school and high school students with moderate to severe disabilities including medically fragile students.  The goal is to teach students skills that encourage functional living skills and pre vocational experiences.  Students are integrated into the general education and resource setting to the fullest extent possible. 


This program serves students with moderate to severe disabilities ages 18-21.  The program focuses on teaching vocational skills and behaviors in a classroom setting.  Students then practice those skills in a variety of community and business settings.  The goal is to teach students skills to become as independent as possible both at home and in the workplace.  


Occupational Therapy

Speech/Language Therapy

Vision/Orientation & Mobility