EVSD90 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, parents/guardians have the right to inspect and review all official records pertaining to your child(ren) which are maintained by the East Valley School District.
In the event of a student trasfer to another educational insitution, educational records will be sent upon request by the receiving institution. Also, subpoena requests will be honored after you have been notified. Student records will not otherwise be released by the East Valley School District without expressed written consent.
The East Valley School District makes available as "directory" information the following: student names as published in activity and athletic programs and brochures (information may include height, weight, age, class and program experience); student names and photographs as published in the school yearbook, webpage and newsletters; and student names as published in honor rolls and commencement programs. Parent permission is not required for release of "directory information." However, if you do not want the school to release such information without your consent, please notify the school office in writing.
If you have any questions please contact your building principal or Russ Hill, 573-7321.
In the event of a student trasfer to another educational insitution, educational records will be sent upon request by the receiving institution. Also, subpoena requests will be honored after you have been notified. Student records will not otherwise be released by the East Valley School District without expressed written consent.
The East Valley School District makes available as "directory" information the following: student names as published in activity and athletic programs and brochures (information may include height, weight, age, class and program experience); student names and photographs as published in the school yearbook, webpage and newsletters; and student names as published in honor rolls and commencement programs. Parent permission is not required for release of "directory information." However, if you do not want the school to release such information without your consent, please notify the school office in writing.
If you have any questions please contact your building principal or Russ Hill, 573-7321.