Transportation » Transportation


Did you know that our school buses travel over 263,640 miles safely per year? And this does not even include sporting events!!


Your child’s safety is our number one priority here in the  East Valley School District. A school bus is the safest form of transportation for your child to use to get to and from school each day. Our drivers go through an extensive training program that includes learning how to drive a school bus, first aid certification, a thorough FBI back ground check, and how to deal with students on a school bus.

 East Valley Elementary students getting off of the school bus.

Transportation Related Alerts: 11.22.24

Important Notice for EVC & EVHS Families: Morning Bus Route 26 Schedule Update

Dear Families of EVC and EVHS Students Riding Morning (AM) Bus Route 26,

Starting Monday, November 25th, all morning pick-up times for Bus Route 26 will be moved 10 minutes earlier. This adjustment ensures students arrive at school 10 minutes earlier to support a smoother start to the school day.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in adapting to this schedule change.

Thank you!